Frequently Asked Questions
Below you'll find answers to some commonly asked questions to give you more information and clarity about what we offer.

If you have a question that you can’t find the answer to, feel free to contact us HERE.
Q: Is having a great Online Presence that important for a my business?

Everyone is on Social Media now days. They search Google to find the right business. An average person spends 41 minutes per day on Facebook...and that's just one social media platform. Having little or no social media presence today is like having no website 10 years ago. You can't be taken seriously as a business when you don't have a thriving social media presence as that's where all your customers/clients hang out. And when a potential new customer/client searches online for products or services that your business provides.

Q: Running an online business is so time-consuming, how can I find the time to market?

We get it. Online business owners know they need to grow their business and need the right solutions. We don't do it for you, we teach you methods that can grow and scale your business to higher grounds. This is the reason we formed Biz Transformers to help digital entrepreneurs grow their business with the right methods so you can actually enjoy life more.  
Q: I have personal social media profiles, should I use those to promote my business?

No, we always advocate having separate pages and profiles for your business in order to look professional online.

Q: I don't even have a Facebook page, or any profile for my local business on social media!

Don't worry, we know that many business owners are busy. That is why we are here for you. Just get in contact with us to discuss what we can do for you with no obligations. 
Q: My biggest problem is finding new customers/clients can you help?

Yes 100%. Simply put, with the right strategy anyone can have new clients calling them. We specialize in Digital marketing. We teach people how to become an expert, how to grow. How to master organic marketing for the best results. For example, frequent social media posting will not only trigger Facebook to boost your business to the top of their search results, it will also boost your website Google rankings. Google analyzes something called "social signals" where they reward websites that are linked to a busy, engaging Facebook business page with higher rankings. In other words, even if your website is doing well, it will get a major boost by being linked to a great social media presence.

Q: Why should I contact you?

Because the right marketing can help you grow your business. The right marketing can attract more business to you. Every year new methods are introduced. Social media platforms such as Facebook changes their algoritams, or the way you can run ads. And you need someone who is there in the trenches doing it. Even if your business is currently thriving, if you don't stay ahead of the curve, then your competitors will almost certainly surpass you over the next couple of years, stealing your customers/clients. Don't let that happen. Click the button below to discuss what we can do for you:

How The Right Marketing Can  Grows Your Business & Profits:

Develop brand awareness
Get new customers 
or clients to visit 
Get potential customers 
or clients contacting you
Build an audience of fans 
for your business
Develop word-of-mouth buzz and a ton of referrals
Achieve social proof that creates consumer confidence
Generate tons of social signals that boosts your search engine visitors from both Google and Facebook
Grow your business without doing any work yourself
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