Our Story

It all started when Ivana and Mitali started receiving many messages from struggling digital business owners wanting to grow their own business without the right methods. 

Over several years, we have seen many businesses fail, not because they were bad businesses, but because they simply couldn't attract enough customers.

As successful business owner, we both new it takes some time to grow a business, but it seemed that people seeking our help were just lost. 

It is heartbreaking to see someone struggle. 

So we put our heads together.  How can we help?

Since then, Mitali, along with Ivana and Tea, have seen many businesses fail, not because they have bad products or services, but because they simply couldn't get enough customers.

The good news is, it's easier now to create word of mouth marketing than it was when Social Media didn't even exist. 

Social media is today's word of mouth marketing. It's where we pass on recommendations, discover new products and services, and make buying choices. Social media is where your potential clients hang out.

But we also know that handling social media marketing requires skills that many digital business owners don't have. 

We wanted to solve this problem and help digital business owners achieve word of mouth marketing that leads to more customers and higher profits.

And so, Biz Transformers was born.
Let Biz Transformers help you with your digital marketing, getting you more customers and higher profits.

Mission Statement

Biz Transformers provides innovative, specialized social media marketing to digital entrepreneurs, helping them to establish and scale their online business.

Vision Statement

To become a world leader at helping digital business owners grow the business they enjoy.

Ivana Bosnjak

has been an entrepreneur since 2001, moving into the digital space in 2007. When she believes in a vision, she makes it happen. So when Mitali and Tea approached her with the idea to help digital businesses grow their establishment through the right social media methods, she formed a powerful team with expert staff which these businesses can leverage in order to grow their customer base and increase revenue.
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